BlueWave Pools & Spas

Have a pool or spa-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Do you offer free estimates?

    Yes! We offer free estimates, and we can provide you with an exceptional pool builder for all your pool construction needs.

  • How long is the build time?

    Our build time is generally 70 to 90 days from excavation to completing the interior. Contact us today if you're looking for a custom pool builder with a wide range of custom options.

  • Do you offer financing?

    Yes! We're a pool builder who offers convenient financing options for our customers. Contact us today to learn more.

  • How long have you been in business?

    We've been in the business as a reliable pool builder for 22 years. Reach out to us today to get started with our experienced professionals.

  • Are you licensed and bonded?

    Yes! We're a licensed and bonded pool builder you can rely on. 

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